Instructions missing from web sdk

Hey there,
I noticed in the web sdk v5, there seems to be the option to show the instructions as ready-to-use-text

	"node": {
		"id": "62051d92e325474a30001390",
		"x": 2584.883130073171,
		"y": 2166.8079445617177,
		"accessible": true
	"instruction": "Turn left at Nike Factory Store",
	"action": {
		"bearing": "Left",
		"referencePosition": "At",
		"type": "Turn"
	"type": "Left",
	"distance": 29.498191596865208

The instruction may include a store or a location name. That happens when the SDK is able to determine a relevant location nearby the instruction that could be helpful in navigating the venue.

like you did in your enterprise app Mappedin Web

However, in the web sdk v6, I cant find the same code. it just prints out the action, bearing, distance and nodes.

We want to use this to enhance our speech description and avoid having to manually describe each navigation (what we are doing now).


Hi Dimitrios,

Welcome to the forum! You are correct that this feature is not yet available in beta version 6. It is on our roadmap to add next year, likely sometime before the first half of 2025.


Ok thought so. However when I check the v5 examples, they are also not doing the full directions text like in the embedded version, but only the same as in v6?

The landmark will not be present for every step of every route, only when there is a location close by. This may vary from map to map as well. Are you testing with one of the demo maps or a map of your own?

In your enterprise example, it works for every step. What is different there?

Time to destination
3 minutes

  • Apple
    Leave Apple and turn right
    14 meters
  • Turn left at Marc Cain
    67 meters
  • Turn left at Tim Hortons
    23 meters
  • Turn right at Tim Hortons
    119 meters
  • Turn right
    8 meters
  • Arrive at Vivah Jewelry
    8 meters
    Vivah Jewelry

I tried also in your example maps from v5: same result, only basic navigation, without mentioning the locations along the way.

Would be great to understand the differences, because doing this manually will not scale for us:

Which enterprise example are you referring to?

the basic “Mappedin Hosted Web showing Mappedin Demo Mall” example from the hosted web version.

Ah, I see. That is using the Mappedin Web app. It is built on top of the Mappedin Web SDK, however it does have additional logic for routing at the app level.

We are planning to add its additional capabilities to identify landmarks to the version 6 SDK.

ok understood. but then the documentation on v5 is confusing Turn by Turn Directions | Mappedin
since it looks like it should work there as well, but its not.